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Biden’s Polling Sinks Faster Than Titanic & Rise of Delta

WSJ’s Dan Henninger asked “Is Joe Biden Sinking?” & the short answer is “faster than the Titanic.” Apparently, Mr. Biden’s approval ratings per Gallup is now down to 50% (meaning even radical libs who voted for him are jumping ship) & among independents it’s at 48% or 7 points lower than just several weeks ago. Moreover, as Mr. Henninger also notes, the latest ABC News poll “shows 55% of respondents are pessimistic about the country’s direction, a 20-pt drop since May.”

Are these Americans ingrates? After all, isn’t Trump’s Sleepy Joe still sleep-walking through the presidency as he keeps his promise to turn over the detailed management of most domestic issues to Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren as “explained away” by WH mouthpiece Jen Psaki? According to Henninger, “the answer to the Biden decline is deeper than [a usual] first-term summer doldrums” BECAUSE: “This is what the average American sees: unpoliced urban crime, a nonexistent southern border, rampant homelessness, the Delta variant & vaccination hesitancy, confusion about who should wear masks when or where & prices going up. Even for FDR, that would be a heavy lift.”

But, could it be the political free-fall for Mr. Biden may just be starting as is the fall out from the “new” & much more contagious Delta variant? What’s Mr. Biden’s “plan” if/when sickness & death rates climb back up the ladder? Of course, he has none (other than “mask up”) any more than when campaigning. And, we now see, Mr. Biden’s hardly a miracle worker on the fly. As such he will likely suffer the same fate (declining popularity) as did Mr. Trump when he had no magic bullet to fend off the original Covid pandemic (although thank God he launched Operation Warp Speed to develop the vaccines & ameliorating treatments when he did).

Davd Soul


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