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Biden’s Spin Ala Rumpelstiltskin

WSJ argues in “President Rumpelstiltskin” Biden & “White House try to spin economic straw [that smells] into political gold.” That’s on top of Fox saying “Biden policies timed” to mid-terms. Pathetic enough for you?

Voters can put 2 & 2 together to make 5 themselves. Who doesn’t see the politics in Joe’s moves as the Nov. 8 election nears? Consider the spectacle of the nation’s strategic oil reserves being depleted to staunch rising pump prices that are $3.82 per gal now compared to $2.49 circa late 2020. And who is too blind to see that forgiving over $800 billion in student loans owed to the federal govt & adding onto a $31 trillion national debt without Congress’s ok is going to come out of THEIR pocket?

Did the WSJ op ed need to pile on by pointing out how Joe has resorted to being a riddling Rumpelstiltskin? See how Joe pretends his failing policies are making America Great Again. An excerpt is worth repeating: “The White House doesn’t have much good economic news to report these days, so sometimes it pretends that the straw it’s selling is really gold. That was the case Friday when President Biden & his economic advisers claimed that a $1.4 trillion budget deficit for fiscal 2022 was a great fiscal & economic success” as if record shattering spending the previous year & the inflation it triggered was already paid for instead of by this & future generations to come. Concluded the editors: “Readers who are dieters will appreciate [Biden’s] logic: Gain 100 lbs but then lose 50 & you qualify to be a contestant on “The Biggest Loser.”

Davd Soul


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