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Biden’s Spooks & Hunter’s Laptop Horror

Leave it to No. 46 to NOT cover his tracks ala Hillary as whistleblowing insider suggests “Joe Biden’s 51 Spooks,” er, “51 Spies of 2020” helped “gin up the disinformation about Hunter’s laptop on eve of presidential election”.

The WSJ’s editorial board was indignant in observing: “Why is public trust in American institutions, including the press, in free fall? One reason is the revelation last week that the Biden for President campaign helped to organize the open letter that spread disinformation about Hunter Biden’s famous laptop computer on Oct. 19, 2020. The House Judiciary & Intelligence committees released portions of a deposition transcript exposing the origins of the statement from 51 former US spies declaring that Hunter’s laptop had ‘all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’ The admission came from Mike Morell, former deputy CIA director under Barack Obama. The letter served its political purpose of giving the media & Joe Biden the opening to dismiss the NY Post’s laptop scoop as Russian disinformation …

“It turns out the Biden campaign was behind the letter. Mr. Morell told Congress under oath that he received a phone call from Antony Blinken [now SOS] on Oct. 17, 2020 – 3 days after the Post published emails from Hunter’s laptop … [which] “set in motion the events that led to the issuance of [that] public statement.” In other words, the entire lot of 51 spooks were ghosting the truth … [in order to] … “help Vice President Biden … win the election.” Of course, Mr. Biden himself will likely claim Mr. Morrell, who now apparently regrets having signed the letter, is lying or that his comments are “taken out of context.” Right. As the editors concluded: “These 51 officials have done more to damage the credibility of the CIA & FBI than anything Donald Trump has said. Ditto for the complicit media.”

Davd Soul


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