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Biden’s Trotsky Comptroller Pick Wants Your Wallet?

The WSJ revisited “I’m No Socialist” Biden’s nominee for US Comproller in “A Banking Regulator Who Hates Banks” & suggests Trotsky couldn’t have picked a better comrade to pick everyone’s pocket.

The newspaper’s editors didn’t come out and say it, but they came close to enumerating why they think Saule Omarova is a Trojan horse made in the USSR: “Ms. Omarova’s academic papers & statements … [show] … she advocates central political control of capital, credit & wages and she has praised the Soviet-era economic system … [She] wants to put an ‘end to banking’ as we know it’ [ala the Capital One advertisements] … and transfer private banking functions to the Federal Reserve, where accounts would ‘fully replace’ private bank deposits [so that] the Fed would control ‘systemically important prices’ for fuel, food, raw materials, metals, natural resources, home prices & wages.”

In short, the Politburo, er, the White House, presumably in radicalized progressive hands, would call all the shots as to “what’s in your wallet.” Only actor Alec Baldwin, perhaps to be best remembered for his ill-fated Capital One gig, if not his inability to safely shoot a prop gun away from other humans, would be a worse nominee for this key financial post?

Davd Soul


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