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Biden’s USSR Comptroller Nominee Longs 4 Soviet USA?

It’s true Abraham Lincoln early on struggled filling the federal agencies with reliable leaders & Joe Biden is no Lincoln as he nominated for Comptroller of the Economy a Cornell radical who the WSJ noted “really, really hates” the banks she’d regulate.

How really bad does Professor Saule Omarova hate bankers? Perhaps as much or more than future boss Elizabeth Warren hates the high tech industry whom she’d likely see as a great ally in her war on them. But, are the editors right in opining her “radical ideas might make even Bernie Sanders blush”? Ms. Omarova may not have honeymooned in Moscow, but she did graduate from Moscow State University in 1989 with the help of a Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. “Thirty years later, she still believes the Soviet economic system was superior & that US banking should be remade in Gosbank’s image.” She recently tweeted as an example about how bad the gender pay gap is in the USA & lauded the USSR for a supposed lack of one in the Stalinist regime. Social media laughed at her and she pushed back: “I never claimed women & men were treated absolutely equally in every facet of Soviet life. But people’s salaries were set (by the state) in a gender-blind manner.” The WSJ pushed back to her push back in a manner any good socialist ideologue would appreciate: “Sure, there was a Gulag & no private property, but maternity benefits!”

The WSJ sources explained what Joe might have been thinking this way. The theory for “this bizarre nomination is that Mr. Biden is trying to appease progressives" since he wants to reappoint their much hated Jerome Powell as Fed chair. Another bone for them to chew on, then? Warned the editors: “ … but Ms. Omarova is the wrong nominee for the wrong industry in the wrong country in the wrong century.”

Davd Soul


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