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Biden’s Waterloo & Student Loan Con

Can you believe the MSM stories about “millions of Americans” a few months ago thought Biden had the power to cancel $400B student loans & are now SHOCKED our Sup Ct may put the sword to Joe’s scam?

Could be wrong, but I’ll eat my DePaul U Law School diploma if the Supremes don’t do more than just slap No. 46’s hand for trying to buy votes in the 2022 elections by his unprecedented presidential fiat … without so much as a wink & nod from Congress, which under the Constitution supposedly controls taxpayers hard earned money. The WSJ was kind in its analysis of what to expect in the end: “Justices are hearing one of the most consequential separation-of-powers cases in American history on Tuesday when it considers President Biden’s unilateral student loan write-off. The question is nothing less than whether the President can steal Congress’s power of the purse & act like a King … Breathtaking …”

Joe's chutzpah is breathtaking for sure. But, isn’t the real Q whether us Chumbolones need a Congress if any Joe Blow in the WH can blow them off on any issue the radical progressive left wants from its endless & bankrupting wish list? Do the Supremes, the logical beings they say they are, have any choice but to finally give Emperor Biden the Waterloo he so foolishly, if not cynically, chose to be reigned in on?

Davd Soul


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