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Biden’s “Winter Of Death” Need Not Be Doomsday

Do we need a “Resist the Panic” movement? After promising to quickly “stamp out” Covid, Pres Biden now guarantees a “winter of severe illness & death”, esp. for those still refusing to get Pres Trump’s vaccine shots. Meanwhile, Dem-controlled cities & some mandate-crazed colleges are again “mandating draconian measures” because of the Omicron variant as symptoms appear less severe so far.

“We can’t go hunting for a problem,” Dr. Marty Makary, professor of health policy at John Hopkins told Fox News. He argued “the [Omicron] virus is more mild” [if more contagious] than the original, yet he’s confounded by the “wave of fear” that seems to be gripping those who should know better. Deer have always been known to become road kill when they mindlessly dash across an interstate into oncoming auto lights. But, this inability by the elite “do it my way or the highway” crowd to admit they might have been even a bit wrong … or, to learn from experience … is getting ridiculous.

Ironically, his fear-mongering aside, Mr. Biden is probably more right than wrong in finally if tacitly admitting Covid deaths under his watch have tragically gone up since he took office and will likely continue into 2022. As Mr. Trump & others had more honestly dared to suggest, quickly stamping out Covid-19 (or any mutating new deadly virus) has never happened for reasons as profound as Mother Nature … and limited human genius. Instead of redoubling on the rhetoric & ego, maybe the best policy shift in Mr. Biden’s “Winter of Death” is to redouble down on Mr. Trump’s warp speed therapeutics & vaccine research, persuade not order folks to get vaccinated, AND focus on protecting the most vulnerable “at risk” folks.

Davd Soul


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