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Biden Sells Out By Selling Oil 2 Hi Bidder?

Team Biden re-directs Qs on whether selling strategic oil reserves by saying Trump did too … But, yo Joe, Trump’s “energy independence” policy triggered oil surpluses for export & kept US pump prices half of what they are now.

Perhaps the GOP made a tactical error in leaking the news that some of the nation’s oil reserves were being sold to anybody let alone China as gas inflation soared when, as Team Biden notes, the law requires an auction & sale to the “highest bidder,” including the Chinese Communists, if they offer the highest price.

But, the real question was & is “Why in the world would you drain rather than bolster the US strategic oil reserves just to knock a few cents off the pump price? Especially at a time when, as you say ad nauseum, the Free World is at War with Putin? And, especially when the US has the world’s largest & most diverse pool of energy assets waiting to be tapped (as it was under Trump) if it weren’t for Joe’s self-defeating War on Fossil Fuels that won’t move the needle against global warming, regardless? And, especially when the Saudis keep telling you to proverbially “Kiss My Camel” every time you ask THEM to bail you out of this energy inflation mess by pumping more oil from their desert & esp after you insist you called the Crown Prince a you know what?

Davd Soul


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