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Biden Stays The BS Course On His Road To Perdition

Is it possible “I’m Overperforming” Biden’s polls will keep tanking cause he thinks Lincoln’s ghost told him to “stay the course” not realizing it was his closest advisor Bernie Sanders talkin? Of course, real Abe SAVED the Union through his wise perseverance while Joe’s radical BS wants him to keep TRANSFORMING it into a Marxist Utopia.

Is this the right take on Liz Peek’s take on Joe’s recent 1-yr anniversary in office “reboot” speech, in which No. 46 showed he was “not about to pivot” back toward the center to save his presidency as Bill “You gotta do what you gotta do” Clinton did circa 1997? Actually, Fox News’ columnist might think the above reality check too kind when she concluded: “Turns out Joe Biden is either seriously delusional or utterly sequestered and misled by his team. Don’t take my word for it; read his own statements … The problem is, according to Biden, Americans are too dim to comprehend what at terrific job he is doing” and needs to go “out on the road a lot, making the case around the country, with my colleagues …” In other words, Liz suggested, Joe loves the echo chamber BS & team gave him.

Well, if Liz is right, it’s painful to think this nation is being led by a delusional man who thinks the Republicans are a bunch of “stand for nothings” who will be bitch-slapped & trounced by him & the BS Democrats in 2022 as well as 2024. “For the record,” Peek insisted, real Lincoln “Republicans across the country are running on safe streets, stable prices, secure borders, school choice, strength overseas and getting the country back to work. Does Biden seriously not know these are the topmost issues for voters today?” Will he start to at least try to steal one or two of these issues? If not, it ain’t gonna end well in political La La Land for No. 46 & his stubborn BS agenda.

Davd Soul


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