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Biden Sweet Talk Ain’t Selling To Sour Overseas Rogues

If merely replacing a tough talkin' President Trump in the WH was President Biden’s “plan” to get cooperation from Iran, China or Russia he was sadly mistaken, suggests the WSJ in its “Rogues Are on the March Around the World.” Instead, they “give every sign they don’t take President Biden seriously.”

Let us count just a few of the ways Mr. Biden may have miscalculated the international calculus. As the newspaper’s editorial board suggested, it was naive to think merely lifting some “Trump sanctions” on Iran would get them back to talks in Vienna to revisit the highly controversial Obama Nuclear Deal; in fact, the Iranians appear to have “accelerated” their uranium enrichment and demand more "cash on a plane". Nor was it hard to forecast China would “step in” to bolster the terror-sponsoring Iranian leadership with favorable oil & other trade deals, further undercutting what U.S. sanctions remain. Meanwhile, as Washington Post noted & after Mr. Biden signed off on the EU-Russia pipeline Mr. Trump had nixed, Russian troops are massing along the Ukraine border & will soon be in position for a possible invasion in 2022.

In short, it concluded, “weakness” never sells to such bullies, especially in these “dangerous times”. Instead, “the hard men in Moscow, Tehran and Beijing are going to test Mr. Biden to expand their power and spheres of influence and it isn’t at all clear if or how Mr. Biden will respond."

Davd Soul


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