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Biden Trusts Iran As Rushdie Fights 4 Life?

Rushdie is on a ventilator after being stabbed in neck by Iranian &, after Khomeini’s fatwa, this kind of attack was always a threat … WSJ asks whether this is the kind of regime Biden can trust to disarm its nuclear ambitions?

As the editorial board noted: “The author Rushdie was supposed to discuss the US as a refuge for exiled writers.” So much for an American safe harbor, at least, for those arriving at JFK rather than from across the southern border? “As he was about to begin Friday at the Chautauqua Institution in western NY, a man rushed the stage and stable Mr. Rushdie … a 24-yr-old, Hadi Matar, is in custody. His motive wasn’t clear.” Yet, as the paper continued: “Mr. Rushdie has spent decades facing precisely this kind of threat. In 1989 the ayatollah of Iran issued a fatwa calling on Muslims to kill Mr. Rushdie for allegedly insulting Islam with his novel ‘The Satanic Verses.’ Mr. Rushdie went into hiding for years but has lived more openly in NY in recent years. Perhaps he was beginning to hope that it all had faded into history.”

Of course, it hadn’t. While the current Iranian regime kept up the open death sentence on Rushdie, “Iranian hardliners celebrated the attack on social media.” And let’s not forget federal prosecutors this week charged a member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps with plotting to kill former National Security Advisor John Bolton and perhaps even former SOS Mike Pompeo. Adds the WSJ incredulously: “President Biden, meantime, is still trying to revive President Obama’s bad Iran nuclear deal. Even putting aside the merits of that negotiation, how can the US sit across the table with such a regime and expect it to keep its word?”

Davd Soul


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