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Big Ass World Knows China’s Wuhan Flu

It started by China’s pushing the world to change “Wuhan Flu” to “Covid-19” but in an epic disinformation campaign for the ages, China continues to “Seek to Write Its Own History of Battle With Covid” & its origins …

As the recent WSJ piece noted, “Beijing is [still to this date] withholding data, censoring debate as it promotes narrative of triumph on how it handled the virus.” For instance, 3 years into the Wuhan, er, Covid debacle, no one in China outside the Communist Party knows how many civilians died there. As the story observes, “Official reports on the number of bodies cremated, normally released quarterly, disappeared or haven’t been updated on schedule in more than 30 provinces, cities or districts … Authorities have also been censoring discussions on social media that dwell on the long-term psychological toll of the government’s ‘zero-Covid policy, which upended daily life & largely closed off China from the outside world for three years … [and] … In recent weeks, authorities have [even] been shutting down commemorations of the 1st anniversary of the months-long lockdowns in Shanghai ...”

It's not hard, then, to argue President Trump, who was one of the rare world leaders with the guts to call out the truth about Wuhan’s, er, Covid’s origins, is still spooking the Chinese Communists into an ongoing state of denial. It can’t be President Biden that’s triggering this PR assault on common sense since, in lockstep with President Xi, anything Mr. Trump said or did was wrong in his mind … Yet, the PRC can “Scrub the history” all it wants, it’s still a big ass world out there.

Davd Soul


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