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Binary Sex Not As Strangio As Some Think

Doesn’t hyperventilating over the science as to why sex is binary miss the point we’re all already as equal under the law as any snowflake that ever lands? So, Bumpy, what exactly was the issue, any hoo?

In her WSJ commentary, biologist Colin Wright writes that “In an effort to confuse the issue, gender ideologues cite rare ambiguous ‘intersex’ cases.” As Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson had famously testified when asked to define the word ‘woman’, “I’m not a biologist.” Meanwhile, advocates like ACLU’s Chase Strangio claim the binary concept is a recent invention, a construct, used to deny all trans people their rights. Yet, as Wright notes: “When biologists claim that sex is binary, we simply mean something straightforward”, i.e., “there are only two sexes. This is true throughout the plant & animal kingdoms. An organism’s sex is defined by the type of gamete (sperm or ova) it has the function of producing … there is no third gamete type … [hence] sex is binary.” Hey, what about “ambiguous genitalia”? Says Wright: “The existence of [a few] borderline cases no more raises questions about everyone else’s sex than the existence of dawn & dusk casts doubt on day & night. For the vast majority of people, their sex is obvious.”

In short, the above supposed complications over traditional science’s “categorization” by gender are “all a distraction” to shift focus “away from the real issue” of fairness & safety in letting a given transitioned person suddenly getting an unsporting edge on women who have spent a lifetime fighting discrimination against their gender. As for Strangio’s worry about laws broadly excluding the transitioned, Wright concludes “ideologues are wrong to insist that the biology of sex is so complex as to defy all categorization … The biology of sex isn’t quite as simple as common sense, but common sense will get [policy-makers & enforcers] a long way in understanding it” so all can be protected fair & square.

Davd Soul


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