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Binary Sexism: Feinstein, Fetterman, Biden

Do Dems risk being tagged as sexists for “Discovering the Age Issue” in demanding an unhealthy 89-yr-old Sen. Feinstein retire, but not Biden? If not, how do they also defend newly-elected Sen. Fetterman who’s been in a fog since his stroke?

The back stories: Diane Feinstein couldn’t tell years ago that a Communist spy was driving her around town & has disappeared from most Senate votes this year because she has shingles. But, Joe Biden has trouble answering impromptu questions without getting ridiculed. And, stroke victim John Fetterman couldn’t do interviews while campaigning for his job, then, was absent for a couple of months after being elected due to clinical depression. Still, Democratic Reps Ro Khanna & Dean Phillips last week called on Feinstein to step aside because of her advanced age. It was none other than Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who couldn’t resist taking a subtle swipe at her Dem colleagues saying: “I’ve never seen them go after a man who was sick in the Senate in that way,” obviously referencing Fetterman’s health travails.

WSJ’s Kimberley Strassel may have put the DNC’s dilemma best: “As ugly as the pressure campaign [to get Feinstein to retire] might be, the wonder is Dems didn’t act to avoid this situation at the obvious time. As Feinstein debated re-election in 2017 she was, at 84, already the oldest senator & already showing decline. Yet the California political firmament (Kamala Harris, Gov. Newsom) rallied with endorsements & rolled over a primary challenger backed by the California Democratic Party. What could go wrong? Time & age. Stories of Feinstein’s [ongoing] cognitive struggles are rife in Washington.” True. But, same goes for Joe & John?

Davd Soul


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