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Bitter Enders’ Mandated Kid Masking Take Last Gasp?

WSJ’s Freeman argues how 7 Va school boards foolishly convinced a local judge to enjoin Gov Youngkin’s ordered end to mandated masks while their legal as well as medical reasons have “collapsed,” even among such “bitter enders” at Wa Po, The Atlantic & AMA.

In “Tear Down These Masks,” Mr. Freeman rips away at die hard educators’ logic, or lack thereof, who are fighting with every last gasp to never let their kids “see one another’s smile.” He notes: “There is no need for the school boards to agree with the governor on the questions of state law to recognize that they cannot prove clear public health benefits justifying the indefinite masking of children and the developmental harms that result.” The columnist recites a growing list of experts and studies making the case against school mask mandates. You’ve probably read many of them concluding, sometimes reluctantly, that “well-controlled real-world studies consistently fail to find a convincing benefit, while studies cited to support masking have serious flaws.”

Mr. Freeman concludes: “The scientific case for masking children has [in fact] collapsed. It’s time for the people entrusted with their education to put down the legal weapons and allow what’s left of a normal childhood to resume.”

Davd Soul


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