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BJ Blow Back For Licking Hand That Feeds It

Like the overwrought ice cream mavens in “City Slickers” searching for life's meaning, a Ben & Jerry's founder seems to be going off the deep end after trashing Israel & Mt. Rushmore, now arrested for Assange protest in DC.

Ben Cohen told Fox News after cops questioned, then, arrested him outside DC’s DOJ building during a rally protesting the detention of Julian Assange, his presence had nothing to do with a recent July 4 company tweet urging the abandonment of Mt Rushmore, something about America being founded on “stolen land.” Thank goodness. Rather, Cohen insisted he was simply sitting next to a woman holding a “Free Assange” sign & himself lending his stature as an ice cream mogul in protest of Assange being held in a British prison pending extradition to the US. As The Guardian has noted, Assange has fought tooth & nail to stay out of DOJ’s clutches over “growing fears he could spend the rest of his life in prison for publishing thousands of classified military & diplomatic documents.” And, Ben wants to save a guy some think is a traitor.

As were the characters in City Slickers, it’s all kind of sad. That is, Ben’s delusion that anyone cares about his political views … or, that they can’t live without his overpriced, overrated deserts. Recall it was Ben & Jerry’s that made a big stink about selling its overpriced overrated ice cream in Israel’s “occupied territories” because it decided the Jewish nation wasn’t giving Palestinians their just desserts? Did the BJ boycott change the world? Well, what goes around does sometimes come around, especially for biting the hand that feeds you. As Fox also reports “Ben & Jerry’s is getting Bud Light treatment after its ‘woke’ holiday” crack & an indigenous chief says he's willing to take possession of BJ's corporate headquarters that allegedly now sits on "stolen land."

Davd Soul


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