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Black Abortions Still 4 Times Rate of Whites?

One of the distressing ironies in the abortion debate (or screaming argument), says a Black WSJ columnist, is “Why Won’t the Left Talk About Racial Disparities in Abortion?” Cause abortion’s relatively rarer for Whites?

As Jason Riley recently wrote, “scholarly studies show that black women are far likelier to terminate their pregnancies than whites.” Moreover, he suggests, today’s whole billion-dollar abortion industry was literally built upon Bill Clinton’s “famous formulation in 1992 … that abortion ought to be ‘safe, legal & rare.’ His goal was to coalesce liberal & moderate Democrats on the issue, but the wording also suggested that even among supporters of Roe v Wade, abortion was properly viewed as undesirable: the fewer, the better.” In fact, he notes, abortion in recent years has been on the DECLINE, yet “left-wing concerns seems to [now] stop at making the procedure safe & legal, even while black-white disparities have not only persisted, but widened.” A 2020 paper by scholar James Studnicki & 2 co-authors cite CDC stats showing the black abortion rate is nearly FOUR TIMES HIGHER THAN THE WHITE RATE. (In some areas, the disparity is EIGHT times higher.)

So, as Justice Clarence Thomas noted in a 2019 abortion case dissent, “there are areas of NY City in which black children are more likely to be aborted than they are to be born alive.” While Riley says pro-choice activists “typically dismiss these facts as a function of poverty,” not the fact black communities are where most of the Planned Parenthood facilities are located as well as a massive amount of government welfare dollars are doled out, one has to wonder how the “system” has been oiled to the point of absurdity, one in which those supposedly being “helped” are being “misled” if not “hurt”.

Davd Soul


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