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Blink If Ya Want Dems 2 Transform America In 17 Days

The WSJ’s “Transforming America in 17 Days” is about Democrats’ “Be Big” $3.5T spendfest & reminds of Jack Reed’s “10 Days That Shook the World.” The soon disillusioned socialist American journalist had early on extolled the virtues of Lenin’s Communist Russia, that is, until the realities of socialism’s inevitable failure took hold. And, so warns the WSJ about the Dems’ run on the fiscal wild side.

Says the editors: “Congress is back in session & don’t blink or you may miss the plan to transform America in 17 days…Democrats’ rush to pass their cradle-to-grave entitlement agenda with little debate or scrutiny…Never mind Sen Joe Manchin’s ‘strategic pause.’ Democratic leaders are moving to ram into law their $3.5T plan for cradle-to-grave entitlements with the narrowest of majorities before Americans figure out what they’re doing. As Nancy Pelosi famously said about ObamaCare, Congress will pass the bill so people can find out what’s in it.” Different albatross, same bird droppings.

The WSJ notes that even FDR’s New Deal programs were “passed incrementally over 2 presidential terms with overwhelming Democratic majorities.” Already leaking out are horror stories about dozens of pandering new handouts that are not only dividing the Dems themselves, but in some cases may hamstring if not do harm to the supposed beneficiaries. Whatever. Concluded the editors: “Americans should be shouting from the rooftops to stop this steamroller before they wake up to a government that dominates their lives in a country they don’t recognize.”

Davd Soul


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