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Bloomberg Using Millions & Smokey the Bear Logic 2 Pull Wool Over Voters’ Eyes?

In reading newspaper accounts of the horrific forest fires in Australia, the Amazon & California jungle, I got to thinking cause & effect: Is it today’s growing lack of Civility let alone Common Sense that’s a major contributor to these conflagrations (& other environmental tragedies)? Is there any doubt that Smokey the Bear got it right decades ago when he pointed the finger at Everyman & intoned, “Only YOU can prevent forest fires!”

I also recalled the Native American Indian on horseback shedding a tear over the landscape’s wanton pollution & the television commercial sternly telling us “Don’t pollute!” I suspect the Chief would let loose a war whoop & “tomahawk chop” if he stepped in today’s San Francisco curb-side poop. Or, kicked into a drug addict’s spent needle.

Sure, the progressives & socialists are saying, “it’s all the fault of Trump & his rich pals”. Make sense? Like Dem billionaire Michael Bloomberg who’s trying to buy the 2020 election with millions in ads assuring us he “alone” can solve every global problem, including climate change. Suggestion to ex-mayor Michael: Stop with the self-serving jingles that say nothing. Just put a Chicago Bear mask over your stone face & sing Smokey the Bear’s famous song: “Smokey the Bear, Smokey the Bear, huffin’ & a puffin’ & a sniffin’ the air; he can smell a fire before it starts to flame, that’s why they call him ‘Smokey’ & that’s how he got his name!”

Davd Soul


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