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Boat Justices Roe Doesn’t Include The Pill

The WSJ points out the ridiculous notion--peddled by pro-abortionists & lib MSM alarmists--that an overturning of Roe v Wade would lead to an end, not only to contraceptive usage, but as Fox noted, interracial marriages.

In its op ed “Alito Doesn’t Want Your Contraceptives,” the editors pointed out the absurdity of those extremist MSM claims (see MSNBC, ABC, CBS reports) by simply reciting back to us what “the Justices [actually] said about Griswold & privacy … [and] … listen instead to Yale Law Prof Akhil Reed Amar, who supports abortion rights but is honest enough to rain on this implausible parade of horribles.” On a podcast, the prof had said: “Lib law professors, you’re just trying to scare people with boogeymen or something about ‘Oh, my God, Griswold (THE contraceptives & privacy case precedent) is at risk.”

Of course not. Because nobody except fanatics today would dream of upending the Supreme Court’s Griswold assurance for married couples to have access to contraceptives, i.e., BEFORE any glimmer of LIFE begins. AND, the Trump appointees, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett clearly SAID as much during their Senate nomination hearings when the crazed Democratic Senators did everything they could to tarnish their legal credentials, religion, intelligence, decency & humanity.

Davd Soul


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