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Bolton’s NATO Thunder Trumps Unworthy UN

John Bolton may be an out of favor ex-national security advisor to Trump, but his advice to “Lay Off NATO, Target the UN” sounds reasonable here. Ok, still insist members pay up as promised, but doesn’t it seem every penny spent on UN is a penny wasted? 

First, consider Bolton’s WSJ op ed’s thunderbolt criticism of No. 45’s war with NATO advocates, while conceding per Henry Kissinger that the coalition “has its problems.” An America first agenda, he noted, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wise to erode US alliances that accomplish most of their reason d’être. Bolton is especially turned-off by “One MAGA-world alternative to complete withdrawal is creating a ‘two-tier NATO’” to punish members who don’t spend the Cardiff summit commitment of 2% of GDP.” He says “think Iceland” which has no military yet “look at a map” to see how strategically key it is to containing an expansionist Russia. Or, consider Poland, which lies on Russia’s doorstep & has historically been raped by it; Poland “ & others on Russia’s periphery … are at risk no matter how high their defense spending.”


Now, for the real “low hanging fruit” worthy of Trumpian wrath. Ergo, Mr. Bolton says, there are “better targets” than NATO “for MAGA ire … Mr. Trump could usefully wreak havoc on the UN. As I said 30 years ago, you could lose the top 10 floors of the UN Secretariat building & it wouldn’t make a bit of difference. Things have only gotten worse.” Is John suggesting NY house its illegal aliens temporarily visiting our country at UN headquarters? If so, it sure is a Trumpian idea.


Davd Soul


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