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Brave Joe Smokes Peace Pipe As US Burns?

WH says Biden is “open to conversation” bout Braves fans’ offensive tomahawk chop BUT how bout conversation on Joe’s fossil fuel war w/hyper-inflation, feeding insane nat’l debt, crime ala Capone Era?

Let’s also not forget the need still to chat about the botched Afghan withdrawal, letting Putin invade Ukraine after meaningless “verbal warnings,” letting Communist China off the Covid hook while being impotent against its stealing of US IP, and jumping on every chance to divide the nation along ideological or identity rather than altruistic lines. Still, there was Biden mouthpiece Jean-Pierre being asked by a reporter about the ritualistic “tomahawk chop celebration” as the reigning World Series champs visited Joe at the White House. And, were any of the above life and death issues addressed during the mostly photo-op presser? No, just the WH press secretary soberly nodding that, yes, indeed, it is a grave issue and that Mr. Biden is willing to chat it up.

Please. As Fox News noted, teams like the Washington Commanders and Cleveland Guardians have changed their names since Joe and other progressives lobbied the franchises on the ground they were racist & offensive to Native Americans (many of whom didn’t know what they were talking about &/or were actually proud being part of the teams’ battle cries). Not that those name-changes weren’t justifiable. But, maybe Joe could turn his wandering attention & magnificent persuasive powers to the biggest issues facing ALL of us right now?

Davd Soul


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