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Brother Carter’s Salvation Show Lives On

Hospice ridden & fighting cancer for years, Jimmy Carter turned 100 last week. Some may say he’s the weakest modern president, but he’s proving he’s the toughest bird of all, the only centurian, to have perched in the White House.


Granted, it’s hard to forget Mr. Carter’s controversial presidency that was besieged by that year-long Iranian hostage debacle, crippling double-digit inflation & interminably long lines at the gas pump. His biggest bright campaign idea, to force the DC Swamp’s bureaucracy to adopt something called “zero-based budgeting,” was brutally laughed at by BOTH parties.


And yet, after his presidency our 39th President became legendary for his good deeds & spreading goodwill here & abroad. The first POTUS to be born in a hospital somehow finds the strength & will to live after his beloved wife, Rosalind, died two years ago. One long-time friend attributed Mr. Carter’s longevity to his unique “tenacity.” In the Fox News story she explained: “He and Mrs. Carter were concerned about living as long as they possibly could, being as healthy as they possibly could, so they could help as many people as they possibly could … They [ate] right every single meal. They exercised every single day. They [were] just relentless in taking care of themselves … to take care of others.” And, God obviously honored that commitment to brotherly love.


Davd Soul


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