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Bruce Willis Will Surely Die Hard, Leave Stage A Legend

“The bigger they are the harder they fall”? Perhaps the cliché’s never been more true than in Mr. Die Hard himself, Bruce Willis, being diagnosed with aphasia, a degenerative brain condition that affects the ability to communicate.

This man, now 67, was The Rock before The Rock. The EveryReady Bunny on Steriods in one action flick after another. Indestructible in the Die Hard franchise. Yet, despite often being portrayed as a screw up, Mr. Willis’ everyman characters always found a way to redemption. And, the audiences cheered ala for “Rocky” because he was so darn loveably demurring, self-deprecating, through it all.

Fox News relates, however, how “directors, producers and former co-stars who worked with Willis on various movies in recent years are recalling the concerns they expressed over what they viewed as an obvious decline in his ability to perform at his best. Directors, such as Mike Burns (“Out of Death”) and Jesse Johnson (“White Elephant”) said his lines and monologues had to be reduced as he had difficulty remembering them and even understanding why he was on the set.” Ok, we get it. But, it’s still hard to believe this Hollywood legend won’t find a way to lick his real-life ordeal. If not, he and we can console ourselves in knowing that “The bigger they are, the more they’ll have left their mark and be remembered with our undying admiration.”

Davd Soul


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