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Buffalo Radical Reminds Us Of Radicals’ BS

The latest “hate crime” atrocity, this time as apparently seen in the Buffalo murders by a crazed 18-yr-old white man, MUST remind any clear-thinking person of ANY radical’s foolishness as well as ugliness. Yet, count on the pols & MSM to push a finger-pointing aka divisive accounting. Early reports say they already have.

Anyone else tired yet of sick-minded extremists for this, that, or the other political agenda doing atrocious things in the name of the venomous BS they mouth, even when supposedly justified by their view of “injustice? Whether it be rioting & torching neighborhoods; shoving little old ladies in front of a passing subway train; or masking up, not for Covid, but to suppress other folks’ free speech? KKK, Proud Boys, Antifa, BLM, Baby Ruth … they are all too full of you know what. You wonder why the oft-enabling Justice System, pols & MSM have “credibility” ratings worthy of a lousy dentist? Isn’t it because both have been complicit in this leaning toward radicalized ideas, even dominated, especially in recent years, by extremists within their professions? And, that the proof is in the results we are seeing now almost on a daily basis?

The whole purpose of this blog, btw, is just one person’s commitment to not only encouraging INDEPENDENT thought in others, but an honest attempt at offering a BALANCED view of local and world events; in black & white fashion, it REJECTS with a touch of disgust EXTREMISM that puts its ugly words into ugly action for the sake of the ugly extremist's agenda that invariably comes at the expense of whatever good there is in this world ...

Davd Soul


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