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Bunker Biden Again Hunkers Down In Anti-Worker BS

Fox’s Tucker says “Canada’s working class has finally rebelled & they are succeeding.” But, so much that the Trucker Convey Protest, e.g., is “persuading” America’s “elites” (except Joe Biden) to rethink their own Big Brother attitudes towards average Joes & Janes?

It is ironic how progressive big cities are suddenly dropping their mask mandates, while the stubborn Biden Administration, DC city hall allies & teachers unions keep resisting the obvious pressing if not dire need to reopen the nation to some semblance of normalcy. Opines Tucker: “When Democratic politicians across this country all of a sudden start to pull back their mask mandates, they did it virtually overnight & of course in unison … someone at the DNC must have seen terrifying public opinion numbers & decided to abandon “Project Quarantine” before the midterm elections…Democrats in the US are looking north to their friends in the ruling party of Canada & what they see there scares them.”

So much so, the Fox pundit suggests, the “truck drivers are threatening to topple Justin Trudeau’s creepy little government with their big rigs & they may succeed actually.” Well, that kind of “revolution” can’t happen here, BUT the Canadian working-class protests ARE spreading & entering US territory faster than Salvadorians crossing the Mexican border into Texas. For example, a Trucker Convey is now set to go from California to DC on March 5. The anti-union response by the American as well as Canadian elites … pols, bureaucrats, MSM … doesn’t bode well for Biden who insisted while sitting in his WH bunker that Trudeau deserves DHS’s help in shutting down the truckers, somehow unaware vilifying working people peacefully engaging in civil disobedience is unAmerican. Stay tuned.

Davd Soul


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