Bureaucrats Or Trump Threaten Democracy?
Former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may be out of favor with many libs & cons, an old news guy, but his op ed detailing how “Bureaucrats Threaten Democracy,” especially the Liberal kind, is a classic.
Wrote McConnell in the WSJ: “Democrats like to say that ‘democracy is at stake’ in November. That may be true, but not in the way they think. Across all three branches of the federal government, liberals are working to undermine democratic accountability over their exercise of power. Their philosophy of the administrative state has one unifying thread: the abrogation of democratic legitimacy in deference to unelected bureaucrats.” Of course, this “administrative state’ is what undermines if not overrides the Constitution’s many checks & balances for keeping officials accountable. It smells like socialism too.
McConnell recounts the ways this undemocratic hostile takeover has been happening, from Liberals threatening to stack the Supreme Court or force its Justices to “recuse” themselves on cases the liberals want to see go their way ... to the disturbing trend of federal agencies using their supposed expertise to unilaterally “fill in the blanks” when they deem a statute is “ambiguous” aka not liberal enough. As McConnell concludes, “I, for one, think we should continue working to reinforce the Constitution [as written or until amended legitimately] and the trust it places in the American people.”
Davd Soul
