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Butcher’s Price For Gaza Narrative War

Dan Henninger calls Gaza the “first Humanitarian-Crisis War” where murdering Hamas COUNTED ON Israeli outrage to murder them back. In short, it was INTENDED to be a PR war of foggy “narratives” arguing who was baddest.

If true, how many civilians died in this bloody affair was always beside the point. So, too, was how Hamas hides like cowards behind human shields. Hamas was nevertheless arguing, “We BOTH kill civilians.” And, as usual, much of the gullible world bought the manipulative sound bite … as Hamas knew it would. The WSJ columnist put it this way: “Before the IDF entered the Al Shifa Hospital compound Wednesday, the media had reported how its medical personnel & patients, including infants, were at mortal risk. President Biden on Monday said the hospital “must be protected.” His national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said, ‘We do not want to see firefights in hospitals.’” Yet, that is exactly what happened as Israel plunged ahead on the attack. What a shock when, as Mr. Henninger noted, “Some 500 Biden administration employees signed an open letter insisting on a CEASE-FIRE." Where the logic of this leads is obvious: "The overwhelming responsibility falls on Israel to make the suffering end.”

But there’s the rub. The also PR-savvy PM Netanyahu had long since warned the world the only way to make the “suffering end” is to end Hamas … with the full knowledge many of the terrorists’ human shields would be killed in the cross-fire. Folks, let’s stop the naive PR gamesmanship. Israel & its allies can’t possibly fight fire with fire without surrendering the moral high ground; it's the butcher’s price for this PR war. Meanwhile, the crotch-kicking Hamas & its enablers may gain PR ground but are getting their butts kicked back to the hell they came from; they can keep crowing about the IDF, but their gooses are getting cooked with nothing but a better PR narrative to show for it.

Davd Soul


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