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Ca Zero Bail Law Nets Zillion Headaches?

Perhaps no brainer of all time & worthy of Progressives’ FHOF (Foolish Hall of Fame) is news that violent crime tripled & felonies almost doubled in 1 California county after state’s “Zero Bail” policy was implemented there.

Fox News noted a new “Zero Bail” study was conducted under auspices of Yolo County’s alarmed DA Jeff Reisig and compared local repeat offenders who posted bail with those who were let out with low or no cost under “Zero Bail” policies. The conclusion? “The latter group reoffended more often, more quickly and were accused of 200 times more violent crimes.” Under an emergency zero-bail rule at the height of the COVID pandemic & to minimize jail crowding, bail costs were dramatically reduced, often to $0.

Said DA Reisig: “Zero bail is a completely failed policy … It was really important to do this study to have data available to those lawmakers in California who continue to believe that this is the answer to all of the problems in the criminal justice system, that zero bail is somehow going to make things better. And it’s not. It’s just going to make everything more dangerous.” Zero chance the pols who passed this no-brainer will admit any mistake?

Davd Soul


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