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California Charging Stations Short Drivers

You’ve seen pics of massive lines at Ca charging stations that would make the Jimmy Carter pump madness of the late 70s seem easy peasy. Now we’re told, “California’s EV Plan Hinges on More Power – and Help From Drivers”...

Is this, then, the new normal or the new nuttiness in our energy futures? Says the WSJ, “Flexibility among electric-vehicle owners in how and when they charge their cars is seen as key to avoiding stress on the electrical grid.” The state’s plan to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars & trucks by 2035, of course, means more EVs will be using California’s already challenged power supplies to fuel up and add pressure, perhaps to the breaking point, of an over-taxed, inadequate and, in some places, non-existent EV grid.

As the newspaper notes, “this summer, the state faced the threat of rolling blackouts during an extended heat wave and asked people to avoid charging and using major appliances during critical hours, raising questions of whether its electrical grid can handle the added demand from charging EVs.” Yet, the answer was already given that it cannot. Just read the directive from the state officials.

Davd Soul


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