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California Elected No. 45 Our No. 47?

The irony of ironies is that progressive California’s politicians have made life so unbearable for folks with common sense, the WSJ wondered if the state could elect Trump as thousands have migrated to swing states that can tilt Electoral College toward him & GOP.


By early morning Wednesday it sure looks like it helped Trump get the 270 electoral votes needed to pull off the biggest political comeback in history. As the WSJ editorial board waxed on Monday: “Wouldn’t it be something if progressive states like California, New York & Illinois swing the election for Donald Trump? We don’t mean that Mr. Trump will win the electoral votes of those Democratic-run states. But it’s plausible that the population flight from those states to some of this year’s electoral battlegrounds could help Mr. Trump win a second term.”


As we wake up Wednesday morning, the editors’ prophesy indeed arguably played out in No. 45 and 47’s favor.  Is that Boing! we’re hearing Big Ben’s way of announcing Fate’s Progressive Death Knell?


Davd Soul


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