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California’s Diversity Or Else Law Summarily Blocked

As expected, California’s corporate diversity law was tossed as unconstitutional via a “Summary Judgement,” meaning, Gov. Moonbeam II’s Hail Mary gambit didn’t have a snow ball’s chance in hell.

As the WSJ observed, the LA judge didn’t even write an opinion explaining why he thought California’s law mandating public corporations to diversify their boards with at least one member from a list of “underrepresented” racial, ethnic or LGBT groups doesn’t pass constitutional muster, presumably, because it was so obvious and the jurist didn’t want to soil himself.

However, Judicial Watch president, Tom Fitton, who filed the lawsuit seeking to enjoin the new diversity law, explained what happened this way: Gov. Newsom’s mandate was declared unconstitutional because it was “one of the most blatant and significant attacks in the modern era on constitutional prohibitions against discrimination.” In other words, in the name of “equality”, the California law would mandate discrimination. BTW, as Fox News noted, “a related Judicial Watch lawsuit in LA is challenging another state law requiring a woman director on corporate boards…so, it ain’t over since that fat lady hasn’t sung & Gov. Moonbeam II is still thinking up new novel legal ideas in the wings.

Davd Soul


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