Call Recall Impeachment, It’s A Lost Cause By Any Name
The Fox headline read, “Recall Newsom campaign reaches enough signatures to potentially trigger special election” while another noted how the Dem Party-controlled California legislature again paved the way for a massive mail in voting mechanism to help defeat it.
I dunno. Like the two foolish impeachment efforts tried by the Never Trumpers in Congress on You Know Who, this Offensive West Coast recall audible versus Gov. Moonbeam II will likely be defeated as well. If not, the man runs again and probably wins again. Needless to say, the cost to taxpayers is huge and, in California’s case, Moonbeam’s obnoxious progressive lockdowns, mandates & sermons will continue.
Rather than angry voters & pols trying to overturn the latest election results maybe if they listened to the candidates during the campaign. Folks now pretending they are shocked by what they see in 2021 knew what they were getting back when. In “America First” Mr. Trump and “Green New Deal/Hello Pandemic” Mr. Newsom and all the other “leaders” like “I am what Bernie tells me to be” Biden. Yet, they voted for these guys in droves. Isn’t the cheapest, most effective way in a true democracy to avoid such perceived headaches is to not let a given toxic candidate get his or her hands on the levers of power in the first place? That is, to not vote for them in the next election? After they are sworn in, isn’t it really too late to blame anyone but (our)selves? Or, are we missing something?
Davd Soul
