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Can biased MSM Get Hamas Outrage Right?

Peg Noonan’s “Israel Tries to Part the Fog of War” suggests Jewish State’s response to Hamas’s outrage is going to be, like in all wars, a propaganda challenge. A time for the progressive MSM to atone for its past (bias) sins?

As usual, Ms. Noonan notes, the Hamas sympathizers in academia, governments & certain MSM outlets are somehow arguing the terrorists bent on wiping Israel off the face of the earth are just fighting their victims’ true goal of genocide. As the parroted Hamas talking points go, terror against Israelis is justified because they (including, Jewish colonists, not homesteaders in pastoral communities as Israel says) have refused for decades to hand over their own land (as declared by the UN after WWII) to the Palestinians. It gets more bizarre. How many “reports” or “postings” have you seen about how the cowardly masked Hamas men were really “heroes” who killed those defenseless Jewish men, women & children in their homes. As Ms. Noonan reminds those sympathizers, however, it was the Hamas invaders themselves who told us the truth about what they did: “…it wasn’t enough that the terrorists did it; they had to memorialize it. Some of them wore body cameras & took cellphone videos.” As Graeme Wood wrote in the Atlantic after IDF showed those damning images to the world’s media: “Men, women & children are shot, blown up, hunted, tortured, burned & generally murdered in any horrible manner you could predict & some that you might not.”

We’re also told Andrew Neil of the Spectator posted: “Other footage shows IDF soldiers beheaded with their lifeless corpses left splayed in the streets.” The BBC noted the “stark detail” of the “sheer horror” as Hamas gunmen “cheered with joy as they shot unarmed civilians on the road.” We get it. Now, if the MSM will consistently report in the Israel-Hamas reckoning the fact per Gen. Sherman that “War is Hell” … without agenda, bias or naivete.

Davd Soul


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