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Can Biden’s Buy American Plan Stick ‘Em With Honey?

What’s wrong with the WSJ headline “Biden’s ‘Buy American’ Plan Eyed Warily”? First, the Canucks, Mexicans, Euros & Asians would be stupid not to understand it’s a rip off of President Trump’s “America First” plan. Second, the foreign competition SHOULD be worried since it suggests Mr. Biden is savvy enough to have learned the positive side to the then-The Donald’s “Art of the Deal.”

As the author notes, our “trading partners [are] looking to see [in Mr. Biden’s relevant EO] if access to U.S. contracts is diminished.” As Mr. Trump complained loudly & often for over 4 years, those “trading partners” have milked the U.S. consumer cow like a Wisconsin dairy farmer since WWII. Their motto: “Ut In Perpetuum” or “Forever Taketh.” Oh, sure, Mr. Biden will be reminded, by a Canadian trade rep who was quoted, “you promised to mend fences with your trade partners.” If Mr. Biden is as clever as I suspect he is or, at least, can be, he’ll launch into one of his selective memory lapses, say he “loves Canadian maple syrup as much as North Dakota Honey,” then, begin ranting about how he “lives for the day the world is united as one.”

Not that Mr. Biden need to impose more tariffs or constantly bitch out the World Trade Organization ala his predecessor. At least, not to their faces. Granted, those Trumpian strategies “heightened tensions” & gave our trading partners a tummy ache. Be nice in upcoming talks, Mr. President. Then, stick ‘em with Teddy’s “Big Stick” right where the rising sun don’t shine.

Davd Soul


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