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Can Christians Pray For Ramadan Relief?

In Gaza, we’re told, “Festive Ramadan Rituals Give Way to Grim Wartime Reality.” Could it be constant jihad against others is not so glorious as its advocates say & has its inevitable downsides as Jesus said it would? Is there a better way forward?


Not to play the Christian Card, but even Paul, the ex-persecutor turned peacemaker came to realize “love” was the only human trait that conquers all. As the WSJ story reminded today’s radical religious fanatics, “Family feasts & group prayer” traditions that the Islamic faithless enjoy so dearly through the centuries are now “often missing during [Islam’s] holy month amid daily struggle for survival” as the Gaza War’s “grim new reality” rages on: “There is little to evoke Ramadan cheer. Many mosques have been flattened by airstrikes. Orphans wander the streets. People avoid large gatherings lest they attract attention of the Israeli military. Decorations that used to shimmer on the concrete buildings of Gaza are absent. The Muslim call to prayer is largely replaced by the din of war. Rather than late night social time, relatives often cower together amid bombardments.” Now, over “one million people are estimated to be starving in the Gaza Strip.”


Does brotherly love have any boundaries? Paul in Corinthians thought not. Think about the joys Christians world-wide were able to celebrate in relative freedom this past December. If ever there was a time for Christians to also pray for these poor afflicted souls as Jesus the Christ on earth would have done … THIS IS IT?


Davd Soul


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