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Can FDR’s D-Day Prayer Still Unite Nation?

The Greatest Generation was inspired in the nation’s finest hour 78 yrs ago by FDR’s uniting prayer on June 6, 1944 remembered as D-Day. Maybe new DC memorial will help today’s kids feel pride their ancestors did …

As Mr. Roosevelt told anxious Americans huddled together before their radios that day: “Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion & our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.” As Fox News reminds, a timely construction of an FDR prayer monument at the National World War II Memorial in DC’s National Mall is set to begin in a few weeks & can be completed by early December. It will include those immortal words of hope & faith as well as pride by our then POTUS. Yet, in today’s cynical, oft-anti-religious progressive politics one wonders how Congress passed the enabling GOP-sponsored bill in 2014 on an overwhelming bipartisan basis & Pres Obama signed it.

On this day-after anniversary is it wrong to wonder if such a God-fearing bill could pass today? Will the (un)woke anti-religious and/or anti-everything crowd find a new national monument to desecrate with this, that or the other excuse? “Men’s souls will be shaken with the violences of war,” FDR warned on that fateful June day. Will today’s deluded, disenchanted respect the earth-shattering sacrifices our soldiers made nearly eight decades ago now so they could act out their delusions, disenchantment?

Davd Soul


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