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Can’t Capititalist Incentives Trump Obama’s Unfair Housing Rule & Generational Poverty?

Progressive policies have kept many inner city folks in poverty for decades, yet that didn’t stop President Obama from trying to extend the misery by issuing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule”. The AFFHR ostensibly added more teeth to the Fair Housing Act by allowing DC bureaucrats to “encourage” aka force suburbs to “promote fair housing choice & foster inclusive communities.” But, as HUD Sec. Dr. Ben Carson tweeted, it’s real effect was to bite everyone in the rear end because it “was an[nother] overreach of unelected Washington bureaucrats into local communities.”

In short, Mr. Obama pushed another well-meaning but delusional desegregation policy just as the Democratic Party’s experiment with school busing was a miserable failure. I suspect most inner city folk know by now the Dems’ constant push to bring the inner cities to the suburbs rather than make changes that bring the suburbs to the inner cities has public policy assed backwards. Because the more things the Dems try to force social change, the more they waste a finite amount of taxpayer monies. So, things stay the same or worse. Why else would our cities run by Democrats going on decades be the hellholes they say they are?

The good news is that in spite of these counterproductive progressive policies, millions of minorities HAVE gotten a piece of the American Dream. How? By more closely following the traditional capitalistic way aka smarts, hard work &, yes, a helping hand from Uncle Sam via generous if targeted safety nets & incentivized subsidies. But, to get those still left behind their share they need to be shown they are not hopeless generational victims of some invisible “systemic racism”, that they too can grasp the same opportunity of their suburban brothers & sisters. To be sure, a Joe Biden led dream that shoves a pipe where suburbia’s sun don’t shine is an old Aunt Jemima recipe for failure. What’s needed is a Trumpian-inspired dirty cop free police force that makes the community truly safe from gangbangers & drug traffickers; equally equipped local schools with talented teachers or the freedom to choose better alternatives; full employment from jobs with real living wages; & opportunity zones for investors to replace blight with modern homes & businesses. President Trump had the once Forgotten on the path to accomplishing their dreams that once seemed impossible until the Chinese Virus hit us all. It still needn’t be too late.

Davd Soul


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