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Can Weiss Wear Adams’ Big Boy Pants?

Hopefully John Adams’ spirit still lives at DOJ. BUT, when it comes to Hunter’s expected indictment, “Never forget” they slow walked the “investigation” until some SOLs passed & can present a “zombie prosecution” at trial too.

The Fox News op ed by Andrew McCarthy suggests as much because, “They think we’re idiots.” Surely, Hunter’s reported emails on his computer seems to promise a certain career death sentence to anyone who crosses a Biden. And, the lawyers at Joe’s Justice Department are well aware of it … hence, critics charge, the slow boat to China “investigation” & sweetheart plea bargain … that is, until a presiding judge asked if they were kidding, thereby killing the deal Hunter thought he had in his hip pocket. True, all lawyers swear an oath to uphold the law as if “no one is above the law.” Yet, as such seemingly partisan DOJ moves after another makes folks scratch their heads when it comes to allegations against a Trump or other Republican, it’s becoming harder not to see dunce caps on our heads when we look in the MSM’s mirror.

Enter John Adams. Well before he became a committed rebel against the British & eventual POTUS No. 2, it was Adams who had the remarkable guts to stare getting tarred & feathered in the face by defending the Boston Massacre Soldiers. Talk about a career gamble. Yet, it was Adams who showed the world & posterity what a real legal advocate is in a democratic society that extols, no depends upon, the Rule of Law as embodied in the Constitution. Supposedly he explained his agreeing to represent the hated Red Coats by saying, “The Bar ought ... to be independent & impartial at all Times And in every Circumstance.” Simple. Yet, can or will David Weiss & legal team likewise put on their big boy pants ala John Adams?

Davd Soul


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