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Case For 2nd Look At Cons’ 2nd Chances

Most applauded ex-con at a Trump SOU who had her drug sentence commuted; however, many sensed more was needed by way of a second chance to get her life back on track. Tell that to the probation officer.


The Fox News op ed penned by Alice Marie Johnson was compelling. In the 1990s, we’re told she was a single mom about to lose her home & made the foolish, if desperate decision to “become a low-level player in a drug operation” that got busted. Johnson, a first offender, would not only be convicted but be sentenced to LIFE in prison. She never gave up & one day got the attention of Kim Kardashian, then, Mr. Trump after having become an ordained minister & an otherwise exemplary prisoner. On June 6, 2018, Johnson even had her prison sentence commuted. But, she quickly found she was something less than free as she’d still be under supervision for 5 more yrs & subject to the many overly stringent reporting rules & red tape frustrating job & new home opportunities.


As Johnson wrote: “Federal supervised release was originally meant to be applied only in cases ... necessary for public safety. Unfortunately, it is now imposed in nearly every case. About 110,000 individuals are under federal supervised release … [so] case officers … [are] often managing up to 100 cases at once” rather than devoting adequate time to managing those who pose higher public safety risks. Johnson urges that the proposed Safer Supervision Act, which has the support police, lawyers & criminal justice groups, would address the problems being created by the “failing” probation system that she says is costing taxpayers $500 million each year as well as contributing to horrific recidivism rates. If so, maybe it IS time to take a second look at nonviolent ex-cons’ second chances?


Davd Soul


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