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Catholic Biden Ghosts Walter Reed Friars?

Why’s anyone “shocked” “devout Catholic” Biden now does nothing after friars are axed as vet counselors at Walter Reed? Ain’t it clear by now, the “no holds barred” abortionist pol would disavow the Pope if it would poll well?

The latest Biden hub bub was triggered when the govt hospital terminated its contract with Catholic friars who have been aiding US military veterans there for years. Just before Holy week, too, via a “cease & desist order”. In their stead, the apologists said, a secular contractor would provide religious support & ensure “a welcoming & healing environment that honors & supports a full range of religious, spiritual & cultural needs”. “Cultural needs”? Does that mean a woke sociologist is going to hand out DEI & CRT surveys to patients now? Or, celebrate Mass & administer Church Sacraments to those soldiers asking for spiritual help? As Fox News noted, “A scandal is unfolding at Walter Reed Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. Operated by the US Army, this is one of the world’s largest military hospitals … Yet … most of the spiritual needs of its Catholic patients” will no longer be met by the Franciscan friars of Holy Name College.

Archbishop Timothy Broglio, President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, exclaimed, “It is incomprehensible that essential pastoral care is taken away from the sick & aged when it was so readily available. I earnestly hope this disdain for the sick will be remedied at once & their 1st Amendment rights will be respected.” But, so far No. 46 is silent or dismissive as he has been on other issues important to Catholics when they don’t jive with his woke agenda. Perhaps, like Shingles, Joe doesn’t care, but some Catholics do … as do anyone concerned about this latest sign of a broader governmental assault on all religion. Was it really Biden’s DOJ that recommended no jail time for a trans who vandalized a Catholic Church with vulgar graffiti & assaulted a church worker?

Davd Soul


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