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Catholic Schools Beat Covid With Courage Not Cowardice

Oft-maligned Catholic Schools had a “Good Covid Year”, notes WSJ, as its kids are now better educated than lockded down ‘n masked public schoolers; enrollments growing too from families fleeing you know what.

As the editors summed it up nicely: Catholic schools [and other private educational systems] have educated millions of Americans & their decline in recent decades has been a cultural tragedy. But crisis creates opportunity & the news is that Catholic schools staged a surprising enrollment rebound during the pandemic. Imagine that: Stay open to teach children & they will come.”

Not so sure about that “surprising enrollment rebound” as the WSJ itself sort of belies its tongue in cheek take. Imagine that: John Lennon notwithstanding, there is a God, there is a country & there is an educational system that embraces courage not cowardice.

Davd Soul


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