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CBO Confirms Middle Class Audits Cometh

As the CBO confirms WSJ report that the MIDDLE CLASS “Won’t Escape the New IRS Audit Wave” thanks to Joe’s Anti-Inflation Act’s $80B grant, let’s recall Jesus’ advice to “Give Unto Caesar What Is Rightly Owed Him …”

The MSM & many of us common folk are stressing out over that impending audit news, and in many ways, they should … should the increased government scrutiny unjustly, even if innocently enough, entrap innocent citizens. The federal Tax Code is so arcane that even the “experts” often disagree on what can and can’t be “deducted” from a taxpayer’s income. As editor of the leading tax publication back when I wrote annual articles on how often IRS, accountants and tax lawyers actually got the answers to given test questions WRONG.

Still, we are all adults. And, while we all want to pay our fair share of taxes, we want to approach each tax season with our eyes wide open. And, that means, the WSJ suggests, not believing hook, line and sinker how “Democrats spent last week swearing that only high earners would be squeezed under their plan to beef up the IRS.” Says the editors: “It took only a few days for the Congressional Budget Office to put that narrative to rest.”

Davd Soul


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