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CBP One App Immigration Rubber Stamp?

As 99% of migrants using a new CBP One app got excepted from a Covid exception to Title 42’s rapid expulsion rule, Q becomes whether it’s an open border rubber stamp or needed humanitarian short cut. (Neither side’s happy?)

According to Fox, the Biden Administration expanded the use of CBP One app in January so thousands more applicants since had a chance to avoid the usual rapid expulsion rule at the southern border due to the pandemic. The app is supposed to allow migrants to upload information in seconds, incl a photo & schedule an appointment at a port of entry to pursue the exception to the order, which is set to finally end next month (while the app program itself is scheduled to be expanded, put to other, broader uses). The administration says it’s been a key aid in “promoting a safe, orderly & humane process” discouraging illegal immigration between the ports. Yet, critics wonder if the numbers don’t suggest the only thing being promoted is another wink & nod scheme encouraging a scofflaw approach to immigration.

As Fox relates, “fewer than 1%” of those submitting their request have been turned away; meaning, “the overwhelming majority of those who secure an appointment with the app are approved,” then, “moved into Title 8 processing, i.e., the regular authority for immigration removal proceedings for migrants without documents.” And, from there, the migrants “can be released into the US with a Notice to Appear, paroled into the US, or in some cases removed via expedited removal” anyway. “It’s like a concierge service for illegal immigrants,” GOP Sen. Josh Hawley told DHS Sec Mayorkas during recent hearings, a charge hotly denied by the Sec. But, the left has also criticized the app for glitches, privacy concerns & NOT processing applicants fast enough. Dem Sen. Ed Markey complained about the plan to expand the app’s use in that it might wind up putting “impermissible limits on asylum” seekers.

Davd Soul


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