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CDC Co-morbidity Count Mutating Faster Than Virus?

First we learn NY overstated its Covid deaths by 50% & now CDC director tells Fox News her national fatality vs co-morbidity numbers used to justify draconian lockdowns are also still being “adjusted” for Omicron impact. SHE DOESN’T REALLY KNOW how much CDC numbers may be off?

As Fox noted, “critics demanded answers from CDC director Rochelle Walensky Sunday after she hedged on how many of the Covid-19-related deaths in the US were directly due to the virus and how many were individuals who died with Covid-19 yet had underlying conditions” that may have been the primary cause of death. “Do you know how many of the 860,000 deaths in the US linked to Covid are from Covid or how many are with Covid, but they had other co-morbidities?” Bret Baer asked on “Fox News Sunday.” Walensky shakily responded: “Yes of course with omicron we’re following that very carefully … Our death registry of course takes a few weeks … to collect … but those data will be forthcoming.”

Huh? What about the co-morbidity numbers BEFORE omicron? So, how many people really died of Covid vs cancer vs heart disease vs drug overdose vs suicide vs car accident and so on? We’re those numbers tracked? If so, what are THEY? It took NY nearly a year to come clean and only after a disgraced governor was forced out of office so that his replacement could look into the real numbers fueling our public policy.

Davd Soul


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