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CDC’s Covid Mia Culpa Notta Lotta Butta?

After 75 yrs in existence & charged with preventing health debacles, the CDC now admits thousands of deaths later it bungled its COVID response, but will salve its conscience & mollify public mistrust with a “reset”?

As reported by the Washington Post, CDC director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky told staffers in a memo: “For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for COVID-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations.” She prescribed as an antidote an internal reorganization to make the CDC quicker in responding to the next pandemic, including staff moves and speedier data releases as well as those “guidelines” so many complained about as “confusing,” “contradictory,” and “without a basis in science.” Walensky insisted the changes were not forced on her by the White House, even though President Biden was roasted by critics for naively if not disingenuously promising as a candidate to rid the US of Covid within months of his becoming No. 46, then, ineffectually struggling with Covid realities as more victims died from Covid under his watch than Trump.

So, is it “accountability” time here or “cover our rear ends” time? Trump arguably blew it when he went front & center almost every day during the COVID outbreak’s early stages instead of letting his “czar” VP Pence take the inevitable fall when at-risk people naturally died before the Warp Speed vaccines & meds could possibly appear. As Stuart Blarney noted, “Blue states [& anyone else] following the CDC [also] paid the price …” on their draconian quarantine, mask & vaccine mandates, especially for school children. Or, is the CDC REALLY ready to protect us when the next pandemic arrives?

Davd Soul


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