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CDC’s New Cocoa Puff Distancing Rule For Kids Sucks?

As a Boomer dad who long ago raised 2 boys & 2 girls, I admit I’d be thoroughly confused trying to follow much of the “advice” the CDC gives in safeguarding kids against Covid-19. The latest head scratcher is reported in WSJ’s “CDC Reduces Physical-Distancing Guidance for Schoolchildren.” That is, kids in many school activities are now supposedly safe if they stay 3 rather than 6 feet apart as we’ve been told is a safe distance (due to coughing trajectories) for more than a year.

What happened to the CDC’s one-time suggestion that “at least” 6 feet apart is wise? And, if 3 feet is suddenly safe, why not 1 foot or the length of a box of Cocoa Puffs? In addition, the agency also removed its recommendation that schools install physical barriers such as sneeze guards, partitions or tape while urging schools to now “consider … symptom screening for sports & extracurricular activities”.

Predictably, many Teachers Union leaders think the 3-foot rule sucks & are livid at not being able to bully the CDC into retracting this latest “update”, let alone ordering all schools to stay closed for what? Forever & a day? Au contraire, as the WSJ noted, the new distancing goal post is “a step that could speed the reopening of schools.” But, don’t hold your breath, even if it would help stop the spread of Covid-19 in our schools.

Davd Soul


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