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Census Counts Suck As Red States See Red

WSJ suggests Dems “Rigged the Census” using the Covid excuse as several “under-counts may have cost [Red] Florida & Texas a House seat” they deserved. Something smell rotten in the DC Swamp again? Yet, how explain ILLINOIS loss?

To quote the editors: “Well, well. Remember how Democrats accused the Trump Administration of trying to rig the 2020 Census? Now a Census Bureau study reveals Republican-leaning states may have been hurt by mistaken under-counts.” In fact, 14 states were over- or under-counted by “statistically significant” margins. For example, Florida was under-counted by a whopping 3.5% & Texas by 1.9%. New York was over-counted by 3.4% & Massachusetts by 2.2%. Mind you, the previous census results in 2010 concluded every state got a fair aka accurate shake in their population counts.

Yet, hold on WSJ. Swamp INCOMPETENCE, not the pandemic or power grabbing partisan bureaucrats, may also have reared its ugly head to skew the latest results, in that ILLINOIS, THE LAND OF LINCOLN AND THE EVER-RESOURCEFUL CHICAGO MACHINE, also appears to have been under-counted by 2%. Mayor Richard J. Daley would be rolling over in his grave if he saw this crap going on in DC, i.e., to HIS HONOR’s disadvantage.

Davd Soul


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