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Chaos? Biden Rightly Points Finger At Foolish Voters?

So Blame gamer Biden was right: All the nation’s woes are Americans’ fault for electing No. 46 & giving control of Congress to allied radicals? At least, so suggests the WSJ’s Dan Henninger in “Blame Voters for the Rising Crime Rate.”

Opined the columnist: “Just maybe, voters are starting to regret the consequences of electing progressives” aka “Live & Learn” or better, “Die & Learn.” In particular, Mr. Henninger focused in on how “some 30 major cities across the US are recording record or near-record homicides this year.” He notes how “smash & grab” has entered our lexicon and become a “daily search term” perpetrated by “criminals who leveraged unenforced misdemeanors into industrialized shoplifting.” And, btw, “in cities with strict gun laws, such as NY, stabbings have become common by criminals expert on the charging laws for using a knife or gun.”

As Henninger concluded, “getting blamed for this mayhem are a generation of so-called progressive prosecutors, such as George Gascon in LA, Kim Foxx in Chicago & Philly’s Larry Krasner. It’s a long list that includes Baltimore, Boston, Seattle, SF, St. Louis & most NYC boroughs.” And yet, “for all the much-deserved grief getting doled out to these prosecutors, there is a large look-in-the-mirror element to this phenomenon. These progressives weren’t appointed. They didn’t seize power. They were elected by voters in all the cities they now disserve.”

Davd Soul


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