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Charlie The Tuna Gets Spammed In NYC

We’ve gotten used to cigs, booze & decons, even baby formula, locked in cages or glass cabinets; now in NYC Spam’s secured in plastic casing amid crime wave & inflation. Sorry Charlie, even Starkist Tuna behind bars?

That’s the word from the New York Post as disbelieving shoppers in the Port Authority District discovered a $3.99 can of Spam was under lock and key, available only on request to a Duane Reade employee. (For some reason the ever-POPULAR smelly, cheesy meat product from WWII days is still on the market, but whatever.) In Fox News coverage, shoppers were also wondering why $1.89 cans of Starkist Tuna were similarly “locked up while more expensive products like $5.49 cans of Amy’s soup were not.” That’s an easy call since the desperate folks ala Jean Valjean will go for the bread and butter products they know and love, but can’t afford for now.

As it happens, crime in New York City is up in 6 of 7 major categories and, says the Post, “petty larceny complaints” like shoplifting “are up 52%” in some areas. Meanwhile, inflation of course spiked to 9.1% in June. The Post says the one-two gut punch is a perfect storm for creating a black market in which “thieves sell stolen discounted goods to cash strapped consumers.” Starkist Tuna, I can see. Spam … even 42601 would take a pass and go to the next cage.

Davd Soul


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